Hayley Harris

Mental Health Trainer - Facilitator - Speaker - Lived Experience Advocate - Peer Supervisor

As a mental health trainer, facilitator, lived experience speaker and advocate, my goal is to assure others that they are not alone and that hope is always within reach. I aim to empower people, providing support and education.


  • Mental Health Training

    Mental health training, groups & workshops

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  • Lived Experience

    Lived Experience Advocacy & Leadership

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  • Speaking

    Sharing my Lived Experience Story

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  • Peer Supervision

    Reflective practice supervisor for Peer Workers

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Contact me.

Whether you're seeking mental health training, impactful speaking engagements, peer supervision, consulting services, or anything in between, I'm here to lend an ear and support your needs.

Please take a moment to fill out the form, and I'll be in touch shortly.

  • “Hayley is an amazing facilitator, having an awesome ability to deliver delicate information and allow the space for participants to ask questions, and have full and informative conversations. It's given me insight into myself and shown the importance of these forums to shed more light on mental health illnesses.”

  • “She made me feel so comfortable. Her using her own example of mental health made me feel like I could also trust her with how I felt.”

  • “I was left [Hayley's group] weekly feeling empowered to be more myself on a daily basis. I am ENOUGH!”

  • “Hayley is a delightful human being who provided a very informative and important, worthwhile course. I love that Hayley was able to make the course fun and interactive while being a safe space to share and listen non judgementally.”

  • "Hayley is an amazing presenter. It’s very easy to switch off during training particularly on zoom, but Hayley is able to hold, engage and captivate a room with ease. Her warm and bright energy shines through the computer screen which is hard to do. You automatically feel welcomed in her presence and like you can answer and engage without judgment, no question is silly, and she does a mix of practical and written training to suit different learning styles / engage in general."

Organisations I have worked with